Braking News:
I wanted to let everyone know that the Donnachaidh DNA project will have a stall/booth at the up coming “Who Do You Think You Are Live” show at the Glasgow SECC, in Scotland, on August 29th and 30th. DNA Project administrator – Stephanie Robertson will be manning the stall/booth and hoping to reach many more people of our surnames about DNA testing.
This is a great family history show with a lot of resources in one place. Visit their website for current information and tickets.
This is a last minute addition but if you are in the area and can stop by you will be amazed with the amount of resources in one location.
If you know of any men with our clan surnames let them know we will be at the show and encourage them to attend.
Please stop by and say Hi to Stephanie as she works to help project participants.
Kind Regards,
Tim Duncan
Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project
This year has been extremely busy, as the DNA project has continued to grow. A lot of progress has been made in the project.
I just completed a very productive research trip within Scotland and was able to obtain 12 more DNA samples. Six Duncans and six Robertson samples were taken and added to the Scottish pool of men tested.
The interest in Scotland has grown greatly which is very exciting. The amount of interest about DNA testing and genealogy at the Bannockburn event was very high.
Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters