Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project

Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie

Photo of – 
The Five Sisters

2016 Scotland Research Trip

Hello project members, I wanted to give you a heads up about my upcoming Scotland and Ireland research trip from September 6 till October 26. I will be attending the AGM and have about four weeks working in Scotland. New this year I will be including about 3 weeks of researching in Ireland for clan […]

FTDNA Summer Sale 2016

Folks, Family Tree DNA has just announced a Summer Sale that starts tomorrow 8/3/2016….This is a combo/bundles sale mostly……there are some good prices for new test bundles orders. If you want the standalone Family Finder test this is the best sale price I have seen. If you have a person you want to get tested […]

Highland Games 2016

Hello from Tacoma, Washington! If anyone is in the Tacoma, Washington area I will be at the Tacoma Highland Games this Saturday June 25 at Frontier Park in Graham, Washington. If you are in the area stop by the Clan Donnachaidh Tent and I would be glad to meet with you. If you know of […]

Bellingham, Washington 2016 Highland Games

Hello from Bellingham, Washington! I am late in letting folks know that I am at the Bellingham Highland Games this weekend June 4-5 at Hovander Homestead Park in Ferndale, Washington. If you are in the area stop by the Clan Donnachaidh Tent and I would be glad to meet with you. If you know of […]

Victoria, Canada Highland Games

Hello from Victoria, Canada! I am late in letting folks know that I am at the Victoria Highland Games this weekend May 21-23 at Topaz Park in Victoria. If you are in the area stop by the Clan Donnachaidh Tent and I would be glad to meet with you. If you know of any potential […]

FTDNA National DNA Day Sale:

Here is the next FTDNA Sale Information: Visit for all information. Dear Valued Customer, We are excited to announce that our 2016 DNA Day Sale is starting now! As you may know, National DNA Day is April 25th and commemorates the day in 1953 when a paper detailing the structure of DNA was published […]

FTDNA 2015 Holiday Sale:

Family Tree DNA announced this week the start of their Holiday Sale on DNA tests. You should have received a notice from FTDNA explaining the sale. The FTDNA sale is good until midnight Dec. 31 2015 central time. Now is a good time to order those test upgrades are a new DNA test for someone […]

September Game Schedule

Hello, As a reminder I will be at the Hood Canal Highland Games in Balfair, Washington at the Balfair State Park this weekend (September 5th & 6th). I will have the Clan Donnachaidh Tent up in the clan area so stop by for a visit. Next weekend (12th & 13th) I will be at the […]

Nashville, TN, DNA Meeting:

Nashville, TN, DNA Meeting: Hello everyone, We got delayed with our Nashville meeting location for this Saturday August the 15th in Nashville but we are set now! We have a meeting room at the CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH at 299 Haywood Ln, Nashville, TN 37211. This is in South Nashville between I-24 and Alt. 31 on […]

BC Highland Games

I will be at the BC Highland Games in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada this weekend.  The games are Saturday June 20th.   Anyone in the Vancouver area please come by the Clan Donnachaidh tent for a visit. Cheers, Tim Duncan