Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
One of the major benefits that Family Tree DNA offers each participant is a personal page on the FTDNA website. You can access your personal page from the log in site on FTDNA’s home page, and from it you can access all of your test results, the status of tests ordered, test upgrade options, contact information, ancestral information, housekeeping, and most importantly your DNA matches.
To get the greatest use of their test results and to assure that the research needs of the Donnachaidh DNA project are best served, participants should preform a number of housekeeping tasks.
These housekeeping tasks start under the ‘My Account’ tab located on your personal page. Follow the following sub-sections;
Sub Section ‘Contact Information‘;
1. Keep email address, and mailing information up to date. Failure to do so is one of the main reasons for breaks in a participant’s data and for the loss of feedback from administrators about test results and analyses.
2. If known, list both your paternal and maternal country of origin. This information enables the FTDNA mapping program to indicate the origin locations of project participants.
Sub Section ‘User Preference‘;
1. Denote if you want to view your matches within the Donnachaidh Project only or the entire FTDNA database
2. Specify the choice of options for viewing your test results
3. Set the name of your oldest known Paternal and Maternal ancestor. This information is displayed with each kit number on the projects FTDNA data page.
There are other sub sections that allow you to upgrade your tests, order the new Family Finder test, and order a Personalized report.
The next set of housekeeping tasks are under the tab ‘My Map’:
Sub Section ‘Plot Ancestral Location‘;
1. From this page select and edit your Paternal and Maternal ancestor information with name, birth date, death date and location by name or Latitude/longitude This information is used to map your ancestors on the ‘My Map’ page.
Sub Section ‘Maps‘;
1. This feature shows your location as well as the location of all of your matches. Thus, you are given a spacial view illustrating where your matches originate. To assure that you receive this diagram you must have entered your mapping location information correctly.
Family Tree DNA offers each participant a wealth of information, data comparisons, detail results analyses, and much more. Spend time here playing with these features and learn more about your test results and matches.
Sub Section Beneficiary Information:
Consider filling in the Beneficiary Information section on your myFTDNA page. You can select someone, or the project, to be given access to your account so your DNA research efforts continue. Please share your decision with your beneficiary.