Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
Where hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Whare hae ye been sae brankie, O?
Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Cam ye by Killiecrankie, O?
Chorus.-An ye had been whare I hae been,
Ye wad na been sae cantie, O;
An ye had seen what I hae seen,
I’ the Braes o’ Killiecrankie, O.
I faught at land, I faught at sea,
At hame I faught my Auntie, O;
But I met the devil an’ Dundee,
On the Braes o’ Killiecrankie, O.
An ye had been, &c.
The bauld Pitcur fell in a furr,
An’ Clavers gat a clankie, O;
Or I had fed an Athole gled,
On the Braes o’ Killiecrankie, O.
The Braes of Killiecrankie, Robert Burns:
The Donnachaidh DNA Project has established a general fund account with Family Tree DNA. Thus Family Tree DNA holds the general funds for each DNA project and provides a payment process from their website: Donnachaidh DNA Project General Fund.
Current Donnachaidh General Fund Account Receipts and Disbursements –
January 2018 – Donnachaidh-General-Fund-Account-web-v.9, 1-2018
August 2016 – Donnachaidh-General-Fund-Account-web-v.8-2016-7-8
March 2016 – Donnachaidh-General-Fund-Account-web-v.7-2016-2-25
January 2016 – Donnachaidh-General-Fund-Account-web-v.6-2016-1-3
December 2015 – Donnachaidh-General-Fund-Account-web-v.5-2015-12-13
Current General Fund (January/14/2018):
Donations received to date; $16,615.00
Grants distributed; $15,651.79
Fund balance: $963.21
To make a donation using the Family Tree DNA order page, select the letter ‘D’ in the left list and scroll down to Donnachaidh in the right list. Next write in the amount you wish to donate, a list of any instructions you have, and the type of donation, you can then make your payment by choosing one of the following options:
1. Using your credit card
2. Paying through PayPal
3. Printing a payment form and mailing it to FTDNA with your check
4. Calling FTDNA (713-868-1438) directly and make a donation to the Donnachaidh DNA Project General Fund.
One of our main goals is to increase our project participation from Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales. The Donnachaidh DNA project needs better samplings to help answer the migration questions in our family histories. To meet our sampling requirements we need or want to test hundreds of men from these countries.
To date the Donnachaidh DNA Project has been blessed with $16,615.00 in donations from participants. We have spent $15,651.79 in grants acquiring new test kits and paying for strategic testing upgrades. We are focused on acquiring test kits to be used in Scotland and Ireland to greatly increase our sampling from those countries. In order to save the fund money, we brought test kits when FTDNA had their 37 marker Y-DNA test kit on sale. As the fund increases, we will add more kits.
On December 1, 2009 we completed Phase 1 fund raising for the “Homeland Testing Project” where we raised $2,124.00 which helped us acquire 42 new 12 marker test kits for testing in Scotland and Ireland. This milestone marked a first step in reaching other countries. At that time FTDNA gave a special discount per kit for a large bulk order. We are now in the process of locating testing candidates in Scotland and Ireland for these new test kits.
The Donnachaidh DNA Project appreciates all the donations received to-date by our generous donors. We look forward to increasing our General Fund so more tests can be ordered.
Donnachaidh DNA Project Administrators