Hello project members,
I wanted to give you a heads up about my upcoming Scotland and Ireland research trip from September 6 till October 26.
I will be attending the AGM and have about four weeks working in Scotland. New this year I will be including about 3 weeks of researching in Ireland for clan surnames.
As always I would like to meet project members and find new participants.
Stephanie and I will be giving a DNA presentation in the evening at the Tryst in Pitlochry on September 8th.
I can arrange to meet with members and prospective members one on one and/or hold small DNA talks while in Scotland if folks contact me. My email address is tim@clandonnachaidhdna.org and my UK phone # is – 07761 805567.
If any members know of any potential men with clan surnames in Scotland and Ireland let me know with their contact info or give them mine so I can then follow-up.
We do have a few donated test kits for Robertson, Duncan, Reid (Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire), and McConnachie (various spellings) men for distribution.
We are making some good progress in getting some family lines that are long removed from Scotland genetically connected back to a male in Scotland. This is the essence of our research in trying to rebuild your family lineages.
For project members in the Victoria, BC Canada area I will be speaking at the the 2016 Victoria Genealogical Society’s fall seminar on October 29th. On Sunday the 30th I will also conduct a 4-6 hour workshop on Y-DNA testing and interpreting your Y-Chromosome results. For more information visit the VGS website at http://www.victoriags.org/seminar.php.
Thank you again for being an active member of this exciting surname research project.
With Kind Regards,
Tim Duncan
Stephanie Robertson
Administrators: Donnachaidh DNA Project
Website: www.clandonnachaidhdna.org
Email: tim@clandonnachaidhdna.org, dna@pt.lu
Phone: 760-985-0444, UK – 07761 805567

Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters