Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
Photo of –
The Five Sisters
The Donnachaidh DNA Project has been preforming in-depth research into the placement of clan surnames and there associated population size in 18th century Scotland. Stephanie Robertson with the vital assistance of Barbara Duncan researched Church parish baptismal records from the different counties of Scotland. The cataloging of surname population was done for the 1730 – 1770 time period.
The purpose of this project was to try and locate where the populations of Robertson, Reid, and Duncan were during this time period. We believe that some of this data is showing how our surnames are moving around as people look for places of work. These locations can represent places for additional targeted research to fine family lines. We are attempting to locate candidates, to DNA test, from these parishes which may be source locations for some of our emigrant surnames.
The following link will give you the full list of surname maps;
The following link will give you a list of the Scottish Counties and there abbreviations;
The following link will give you the surname population data list for Robertson;
The following link will give you the surname population data list for Duncan;
The following link will give you the surname population data list for Reid;