Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project

Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie

Photo of – 
The Five Sisters

Scotland Research Trip – 2014

I will be in our beloved Scotland the next four weeks (6/18 – 7/16) researching and beating the bushes to find more test subjects to DNA test. I am looking for more Duncans, McConachie, Robertson, Reid, and Donnachie to DNA test. If you know of a potential test subject email me with the info. and I will see what I can do.
Thanks to all of you who have donated to the projects ‘general fund’ which has helped buy DNA test kits for distribution in Scotland and Ireland. Visit our project website and check out the General fund page.  To donate follow the links listed on the General Fund Page.  Thank you for you donations to this exciting clan research.
Tim Duncan
Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project