Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project

Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie

Photo of – 
The Five Sisters

FTDNA Y-DNA upgrade sale

Family Tree DNA currently has a Y-DNA upgrade sale on going until midnight December 1st.
See FTDNA message below!
Tim Duncan
Administrator: Donnachaidh DNA Project
Dear Family Tree DNA Customer,
As we enter the Thanksgiving weekend, we would like to extend to you a one-week promotion for upgrades:

Current Group Price SALE PRICE
Y12-37 $99 $69
Y12-67 $189 $149
Y25-67 $148 $109
Y37-67 $99 $79

To order this special offer, log in to your personal page and click on the special offers link in the left hand navigation bar.  ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED AND PAID FOR BY MIDNIGHT DECEMBER 1st 2010 TO RECEIVE THE SALE PRICES.

A notice of this sale has been sent to those customers who qualify for these Y-DNA upgrades.
As always, we appreciate your continued support.