Welcome to the new Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project website!
This website is still under construction. We have placed a lot of our information on this website. We have tried to explain what DNA testing is, how to test, and how DNA testing works as a part of your family history research. As we fine tune what we have included we are working to update and move our Test Results and Analysis over to this new website.
As an extension of the Clan Donnachaidh Society we hope to further all of the family history research in our varied surnames and histories.
Explore our site and enjoy the learning aspects of the DNA project. Please let us know of any suggestions and ideals that you may have for our site and the project.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The adventure continues:)
Tim Duncan
Clan Donnachaidh DNA Project
Robertson, Duncan, Reid, Donachie, McConnochie
Photo of –
The Five Sisters